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Preparación Examen Oficial First Certificate (FCE)

Preparación Examen Oficial First Certificate (FCE)


Curso presencial


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First Certificate se sitúa en el nivel B2 del Marco Común Europeo de Referencia para las lenguas (MCER). Si alcanza este nivel, será capaz de: - Comprender las ideas principales de textos complejos. - Mantener una conversación sobre temas bastante diversos. - Expresar opiniones y realizar argumentaciones. - Redactar textos claros y detallados que expresen sus opiniones y que expliquen las ventajas y las desventajas de los distintos puntos de vista.

Temario completo de este curso

Reading and Use of English. The Reading and Use of English paper tests your reading skills and your knowledge and use of vocabulary and grammar.
You will be assessed on:
  • how well you can use a range of vocabulary and grammar
  • a range of reading skills, including reading for detail, understanding opinions and feelings, understanding how a text is organised and understanding the main idea.
You also need to be able to read a text quickly to get the general idea.
Writing. You will be assessed using the criteria Content, Communicative Achievement, Organisation and Language.
Listening. This paper tests different real-life listening skills, such as listening for information, opinion or detail, or listening for the general meaning of the whole text.
Speaking. You’re tested on different aspects of speaking, such as pronunciation, how well you use grammar and vocabulary, how you organise your ideas and how well you participate in discussions with other people.
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