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Cursos de hostelería

Llámanos al 900 49 47 47
CETT-UB | Curso en Barcelona
The Tourism industry is developing rapidly. Its impact on the economy and the development of cities and territories is undeniable. Furthermore, tourist demand is evolving and consumer habits are changing continuously. In this context, cities, regions...

Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo
Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo | Curso online
Objetivos: - Identify the importance of agricultural policies and their influence on the economy. - Use the Producer Support Estimate (PSE) methodology and the AGRIMONITOR platform. - Compare trade policies and competitiveness strategies using AGRIMONITOR...

Reception Academy
Reception Academy | Curso en London (Inglaterra)
Start your new Hotel Career from as little as £49.96 a month. Easy Repayment Plan available for this course. Get in touch with us if you are interested in this option and wish to find out more. This specific classroom course, unlike other online courses...