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Inglés Ejecutivo y Profesional in company con Nativos (presencial y online).

Inglés Ejecutivo y Profesional in company con Nativos (presencial y online).


Curso para empresas a distancia

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A quién va dirigido

Dirigido a trabajadores en activo que deseen mejorar sus competencias profesionales en Inglés para mandos intermedios, Alta Dirección y trabjadores cualificados


El alumno debe tener un nivel de inglés general intermedio, suficiente, que le permita desarrollar contenidos de nivel avanzado, aplicado a todas las habilidades de la lengua: comprensión oral y escrita, así como expresión oral y escrita.

Temario completo de este curso

1) Corporate culture
a) Describing Company culture.b) Why is it important to have strong corporate culture? Talking about good leaders. Getting the most from staffc) Who is responsible for corporate culture?
2) Leaders and managers
a) The function of the chairb) Language functions for chairs

3) Internal communications
a) Internal messages (memo, email, note, notice)
b) Advice for communicating effectively with colleagues
c) Replying to messages. Writing and replying to a memo, email or notice

4) Customer relationships
a) Giving people what they want. Five articles on customer relationship management.
b) Discussing customer-supplier relationships
c) Helpdesk
d) The shortcomings of CRM. A CRM strategy

5) Competitive advantage
a) How does your company achieve competitive advantage
b) Elements that give a company an advantage.
c) Dedicated resources

6) A proposal
a) Proposal for adding to our product range. an email requesting a proposal
b) Extending the product range
c) Pricing
d) A proposal for investigating new markets
7) Presenting at meetings
a) Presenting information from charts
b) Presenting from a text

8) Advertising and customers
a) The effectiveness of advertising. Five extracts on measuring the effectiveness of advertising
b) How does your company advertise?
c) Cost-effective advertisingd) Brand-buildinge) Types of advertising

9) Advertising and the Internet
a) Motoring online
b) Internet sales
c) A report on advertisers and target audiences
10) Sales reports
a) A brief sales report
b) Report on Seville Sales Eventc) A sales report based on a chart report on a sales event for a product launch
11) The sales pitch
a) Cracking the big company market
b) Making a sales pitch
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