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Coding for business: Introduction to web development

Coding for business: Introduction to web development


Curso presencial



Duración : 3 Semanas

Digitalization, as globalization in the early XXI century, implies new customers, new communication channels and of course a new language: coding. The demand for coding skills is skyrocketing, and not only for developer, programming is playing a bigger role in every career path. This course is designed as an introduction to help you acquire the right set of skills to understand and develop yourself as a coder. For those that may not be interested in becoming a coder but has interest in Digital Business, coding is the perfect tool to understand which is the mindset needed to work in a digitalized company in the XXI century.

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Fecha inicio

Septiembre 2019


Undergraduate Students, Graduate Students or Young Professionals Accreditation of Languages: Level of English - Intermediate (B1-B2)

Temario completo de este curso

Introduction to codingFirst steps in web development: JavaScript


Introduction to codingObjectives:
  • First introduction to code environment: Developer tools.
  • First contact with code languages.
  • Understand the come controller - view.
  • Introduction to command line & tools.
  • Getting started with your computer Terminal and its commands.
  • Atom editor, Google Chrome and GitHub.
  • Introduction to Html5: Block elements and inline elements.
  • Introduction to CSS: Selectos and Text properties.
  • The box Model and Layouts.

First steps in web development: JavaScriptObjectives:
  • Acquire tools and knowledge to develop skills required for Web development.
  • First contact with a Back-end language.
  • Develop basic coding skills
  • Introduction to JavaScript: Variables, Numbers, Expressions and Evaluations.
  • Basic Data Types: Strings.
  • Booleans and Conditional Statements.
  • Basic Data types: Array.
  • Loops, Iterations and Functions.
  • Basic data types: Objects.
Examples of Professional Visits:
  1. Barcelona Activa


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