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English Speaking Course

English Speaking Course


Curso presencial


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Temario completo de este curso

Temario del curso:


- Tiempos verbales
- Modos verbales
- Frases nominales con adjetivos compuestos
- Frases de preposición y participio
- Cómo utilizar un diccionario
- Sinónimos y ortografía
- Pronombres
- Reflexivos
- De sujeto
- De objeto
- Comparativos y superlativos
- Expresiones idiomáticas
- El orden de la frase
- Orden de adjetivos
- Condicional y pasiva
- Variaciones dialectales del inglés


- Noun phrases. What makes a good language learner?
- Narrative tenses. Past Simple, Perfect, continuous and Perfect Continuous. Future in the past.
- Future forms. Will, Going to, Present Continuous, Present Simple. Future Continuous and Perfect. What is normal?
- Modal auxiliary verbs
- Adjective order
- Verb patterns in reported speech. Conditional sentences. Story time
- Time clauses in the past. Time clauses in the future. Punctuation. A sense of place
- Relative clauses. Which, Whose, What, When and Where. Participles. Them and us
- Inversion to express emphasis
- Hypothesizing. The Present Subjunctive


- Imparting and seeking factual information: reporting, describing and narrating
- Expressing and finding out intellectual attitudes: agreement and disagreement, expressing obligation, expressing opinions....
- Expressing and finding out emotional attitudes: likes and dislikes, fear or worry, disappointment...
- Expressing and finding out moral attitudes: approval and disapproval, regret, apology...

Getting things done: suggestions, requests, invitations, advice, instructions...
- Effective Telephoning builds learners’ confidence in making and receiving calls in English
- Range of skills such as preparing and structuring a call, dealing with messages and answer phones, and responding to situations in the most appropriate way
- Preparing for a meeting, making your views heard, and clarifying action to be taken
- Socializing: introductions, small talk, dealing with awkward situations, giving and reacting to invitations, and keeping the conversation flowing
- Negotiating: different styles of negotiating such as formal and informal, positional and co-operative, and demonstrates how both sides can achieve a successful outcome

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