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Online course Sex Determination Techniques

Online course Sex Determination Techniques

IVI Global Education

Curso online


Duración : 29 Días

This cour­se fo­cu­ses on the des­crip­tion of the basic con­cepts of mo­le­cu­lar sex, genes in­vol­ved in sex de­ter­mi­na­tion, and hor­mo­nes in­vol­ved in se­xual dif­fe­ren­tia­tion. These de­fi­ni­tions make it pos­si­ble to des­cri­be a set of pat­ho­lo­gies re­la­ted to ge­ne­tic or hor­mo­nal al­te­ra­tions that will give rise to po­ten­tial pa­tients of an as­sis­ted re­pro­duc­tion unit. We must un­ders­tand the cli­ni­cal ex­pres­sion, the­ra­peu­tic al­ter­na­ti­ves and se­xual al­te­ra­tions with a pre­ci­se and con­cre­te de­fi­ni­tion.

We will study the mo­le­cu­lar foun­da­tions of sex se­lec­tion and we will delve into te­ch­ni­cal pro­ce­du­res, ad­van­ta­ges and in­tro­duc­tion of se­xing in bo­vi­nes and th­rea­te­ned spe­cies. We will eva­lua­te the cli­ni­cal out­co­mes in hu­mans and the cli­ni­cal in­di­ca­tions. We will learn al­ter­na­ti­ve met­hods of sex se­lec­tion and dee­ply analy­ze al­te­ra­tions in the sex ratio for bio­lo­gi­cal, en­vi­ron­men­tal or cul­tu­ral reasons.

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Course intended to Biomedical Professionals, Biotechnologists, Andrologists and Embryologists

Temario completo de este curso

1.Importance of preconception and preimplantation sexing in animals

2.Analysis of the sperm DNA content: bases of the X/Y separation

3.Legislation on sex determination

4.Molecular and cellular bases of sex

5.Sex differentiation in mammals

6.Sex determination and differentiation in humans and associated alterations

7.Advantages of sexual reproduction

8.Clinical relevance of preconception and preimplantation sex selection in humans

9.Alternative sexing methods

10.Variations in the sex ratio. Effect of external factors

11.Sex Reassignment and Assisted Reproduction

12.Assisted Reproduction in patients with sexual disorders

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