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Inglés A2

Inglés A2

Formació Miró

Curso subvencionado presencial



Duración : 4 Meses

Este curso pretende consolidar el nivel de conocimientos generales de los participantes, ampliar los conocimientos generales, con nuevas y más complejas estructuras, adquirir y utilizar nuevo vocabulario, además demMejorar la capacidad de comunicación oral y escrita de los participantes.

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Fecha inicio

Febrero 2023


El objetivo principal es dotar a la persona de herramientas y estratégias para defenderse tanto escribiendo como hablando en inglés en un nivel básico.

A quién va dirigido

Dirigido a trabajadores, autónomos y desempleados

Temario completo de este curso

Unit 1 - Making friends Grammar •Present of be (review) •Simple present (review): questions and short answers •Questions words: What Where Who When How old •Responses with too and either •Use of: Really? Vocabulary •Location expressions •Time expressions •Animals •Free-time activities •Places in the city Unit 2 - Interests Grammar •Verb forms: love, like, hate, prefer, would like, enjoy. •Verb + prepositions •Object pronouns •Everybody, nobody Vocabulary •Hobbies and free time •Music •Object pronouns •Indefinite pronouns •Internet language Unit 3 - Health Grammar •Simple present •Present continuous •Joining clauses with if and when •If or when? Vocabulary •Food and eating •Health •Sports and exercise •Frequency and time expressions •Illnesses •Talking about Health •Sleeping Unit 4 - Celebrations Grammar •Future with be going to •Indirect objects and indirect object pronouns •Present continuous for the future; be going to Vocabulary •Celebrations •School and learning •Free time •People at a wedding Unit 5 - Growing up Grammar •Be born •Simple past (review) •Time expressions •Determiners Vocabulary •Time expressions •Years •School subjects / classes / learning •Quantity expressions Unit 6 - Around town Grammar •Is there . . . ? Are there . . . ? •Location expressions •Offers and requests with Can and Could Vocabulary •Places in the city •Stores •Location expressions •Talking about places •Giving directions
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