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Master in International Business

Master in International Business

EIG Business School

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Descuento Lectiva
13.900 € 10.150

Duración : 1 Año

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Fecha inicio

Octubre 2024


By completing the Master in International Trade&Business (MIB) you will be in the position to identify the motives and means of servicing foreign markets, address controversial issues in international trade & business, formulate your own international business plans, and appreciate the factors that drive performance in the global economy. The MIB will equip you with the knowledge and skills necessary to master the complexity required for making decisions in a globalized business environment. It will also add to your breadth of understanding of how global firms operate, prepare you to conduct business in a global context, and embrace emerging issues in international trade and business.

A quién va dirigido

Profesionales con experiencia en comercio internacional que quieran avanzar en su carrera y a recién egresados que busquen una especialización en el mundo de los negocios internacionales.

Temario completo de este curso

  • Planificación estratégica
  • Control de gestión
  • Marketing digital
  • Técnicas de estudio
  • Gestión de pymes
  • Management Skills
  • Marketing
  • Finanzas internacionales
  • Negociación internacional
  • Estrategias competitivas

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