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Master en Inglés Médico

Master en Inglés Médico

TECH Universidad Tecnológica

Máster online


Duración : 12 Meses

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El objetivo es capacitar a los médicos para mantener conversaciones fluidas en inglés con otros pacientes y trabajar en un contexto de habla inglesa en cualquier hospital del mundo.

A quién va dirigido

Va dirigido a profesionales del ámbito de la medicina y la salud que desean mejorar sus habilidades en el uso del inglés en contextos médicos y científicos.

Temario completo de este curso

Módulo 1. Working life!

1.1. Applicant profile
1.2. Self-Employed or Employed
1.3. I want a promotion
1.4. Future projects

Módulo 2. Costumes and traditions

2.1. Wedding mode!
2.2. Tomorrow’s holiday!
2.3. Sunday’s Market
2.4. Let’s get a bite!

Módulo 3. Health and illness

3.1. Baby on the way
3.2. Is that contagious?
3.3. I’m on a diet
3.4. Can you do me a favor?

Módulo 4. Emotions

4.1. Grandma has died
4.2. What a surprise!
4.3. Memories
4.4. I’m tired

Módulo 5. The fashion world

5.1. Tailor-made suit
5.2. Tones y textures
5.3. Advertising
5.4. The Fashion World

Módulo 6. Culture and entertainment

6.1. Museums and exhibitions
6.2. Film or theater?
6.3. Tomorrow, my favorite band plays
6.4. We play the final today

Módulo 7. News and media

7.1. Christmas Lottery
7.2. I want to hire a landline
7.3. Shall we make a video conference?
7.4. We are in the cover of the newspaper

Módulo 8. Social issues

8.1. In the employment office
8.2. Disability
8.3. Third Age
8.4. Political organization

Módulo 9. The environment

9.1. Climate change
9.2. Garbage collection and recycling
9.3. Energy saving

Módulo 10. Studies and training

10.1. I´ve been given a Scholarship
10.2. I don´t agree with my mark
10.3. Today she reads her doctoral thesis

Módulo 11. Economy

11.1. My savings account
11.2. Buy or rent
11.3. The income statement
11.4. Request a budge

Módulo 12. Problems of everyday life

12.1. My car has been pounded
12.2. I want to file a claim
12.3. I have had an accident

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