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Cursos de hostelería en Barcelona

Llámanos al 900 49 47 47
CETT-UB | Curso en Barcelona
What are the key factors to guarantee the survival of a company in the current competitive market? The marketing paradigm is constantly changing towards the personalization of the service or a product which turns into a unique experience for the customer...

CETT-UB | Curso en Barcelona
Heritage is often defined as our roots, our collective memory. Heritage gives shape to the distinctive character of a country, nation, ethnic group and, finally, an individual. The process of globalization coupled with a strong consumer culture brings...

CETT-UB | Curso en Barcelona
A quién va dirigido: Dirigido tanto a nuevos titulados como a profesionales del servicio de sala en restauración que quieran complementar su formación en vistas a una futura especialización profesional o a mejorar sus expectativas y currículum profesional...