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Cursos en Berlin

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ESMT Berlin - European School of Management and Technology
ESMT Berlin - European School of Management and Technology | Curso en Berlin (Alemania)
Would you like to become an expert in digital technology, the fundamental element of any transformation initiative? Then you should check this course imparted by ESMT Berlin - European School of Management and Technology. The course is classroom based...

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ESMT Berlin - European School of Management and Technology
ESMT Berlin - European School of Management and Technology | Curso en Berlin (Alemania)
As many executives are not confident enough in their knowledge of the underlying principles and practical applications of basic investment-appraisal techniques, ESMT Berlin - European School of Management and Technology has this course that might make...

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ESMT Berlin - European School of Management and Technology
ESMT Berlin - European School of Management and Technology | Curso en Berlin (Alemania)
The IT Leadership Program by ESMT Berlin - European School of Management and Technology provides the knowledge, skills, and tools needed to be a successful and dynamic IT leader. The underpinning philosophy of this program is that chief information...

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ESMT Berlin - European School of Management and Technology
ESMT Berlin - European School of Management and Technology | Curso en Berlin (Alemania)
Discover what is behind the blockchain technology and how it actually creates added value for individual companies with this course imparted by ESMT Berlin - European School of Management and Technology. The blockchain payment network Bitcoin showcased...

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ABT Servicios Lingüísticos
ABT Servicios Lingüísticos | Curso en Berlin (Alemania)
Programas: Cursos de Alemán Semi-intensivosEste tipo de curso, para aprender alemán general, suele tener entre 15 y 22 clases por semana. Es el curso indicado para una estancia en Alemania de 4 semanas o más, o para los que van a...

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