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Cursos de dirección de empresas

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IED Istituto Europeo di Design S.L.
IED Istituto Europeo di Design S.L. | Carrera universitaria en Barcelona
Objetivos: The BA (Hons) in Business Design offers students the opportunity to grow by using a very practical, creative learning methodology. Design Thinking is not only taught as a subject but is also present throughout the entire learning process. The...

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osint training
osint training | Curso online
Objetivos: The course will teach participants a systematic, methodological approach for the design, installation, and conduct of a digital investigation through information obtained from Open Sources. Requisitos: Basic knowledge of Information Technology...

EDUCAMIX GROUP | Máster online
Objetivos: El objetivo general de la Master en Dirección y Gestión de Marca e Imagen Corporativa, MDC, es formar profesionales investigadores capaces de crear tesis originales y de calidad, que sean aportes inéditos a la academia y permitan al egresado...
