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Certificación CLE - C Certified Entry-Level Programmer

Certificación CLE - C Certified Entry-Level Programmer

CAS Training

Curso presencial


501-1000 €
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Obtener la certificación CLE - C Certified Entry-Level Programmer


No existen requisitos previos para tomar este examen de certificación. Sin embargo, es recomendable haber realizado el

Temario completo de este curso

Módulo 0: Installing and using your programming environment Introduction to IDE; Online tools; Edube Interactive Módulo 1: Intro to computer programming, variables, and comments Languages: natural and artificial, machine languages, high-level programming languages; obtaining the machine code: compilation process; writing simple programs; variables, integer values in real life and in C, integer literals; comments. Módulo 2: Basic data types, operations, and flow control (decision-making statements) Floating-point values in real life and in C; arithmetic operators, priority and binding; post- and pre-incrementation, decrementation; operators of type op=, the char type and ASCII code, char literals; equivalence of int and char data; comparison operators; conditional execution and the if keyword; the printf() and scanf() functions Módulo 3: Flow control (loops), int and float types, typecasting, and computer logic Conditional execution: the else branch; integer and float types; conversions, typecast and its operators; loops: while, do, and for; controlling the loop execution: break and continue; logical and bitwise operators. Módulo 4: Switch, aggregating data into arrays, pointers, and the basics of strings Switch: different faces of if; arrays (vectors), sorting in real life and computer memory, initiators, pointers, an address, a reference, a dereference and the sizeof operator; simple pointers, pointers to nothing (NULL); the & operator, pointer arithmetic; pointers vs. arrays: different forms of the same phenomenon; strings, string manipulation. Módulo 5: Advanced operations on arrays and pointers, memory management, and functions Array indexing; using pointers: perils and disadvantages; the void type, arrays of arrays and multidimensional arrays; memory allocation and deallocation: the malloc() and free() functions; arrays of pointers vs. multidimensional arrays, the basics of functions.
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