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Certificación CPE - C++ Certified Entry-Level Programmer

Certificación CPE - C++ Certified Entry-Level Programmer

CAS Training

Curso presencial


501-1000 €
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Obtener la certificación CPE - C++ Certified Entry-Level Programmer


No existen requisitos previos para tomar este examen de certificación. Sin embargo, es recomendable haber realizado el

Temario completo de este curso

Módulo 0: Installing ans setting up programming environment What is an IDE; how to install and configure your IDE; what programming tools you can use during this course. Módulo 1: Introduction to computer programming The difference between machine and high-level languages; the machine code and compilation; variables, integers, characters; comments; the basics of flow control; dealing with streams and basic I/O operations; writing simple programs. Módulo 2: Advanced flow control and data aggregates How to control the flow of the program; more data types; conditional instructions: if, else, switch; loops and controlling the loop execution; logic, bitwise and arithmetic operators; vectors, multidimensional arrays; declaring and initializing structures. Módulo 3: Extending expressive power: pointers, functions and memory Designing, declaring, and invoking functions; pointers; different methods of passing parameters and their purpose; default parameters; inline functions; overloaded functions; sorting; memory on demand. Módulo 4: Accessing various kinds of data Arrays of pointers; conversions; strings: declarations, initializations, assignments; strings as an example of objects: (methods and properties), using and declaring namespaces; dealing with exceptions.
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