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Curso Google Cloud Fundamentals: Core Infrastructure

Curso Google Cloud Fundamentals: Core Infrastructure

CAS Training

Curso presencial


151-300 €
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Fecha inicio



Identificar el propósito y el valor de los productos y servicios de Google Cloud. Utilizar los entornos de implementación de aplicaciones en Google Cloud y elegir uno de ellos: App Engine, Google Kubernetes Engine y Compute Engine. Utilizar las opciones de almacenamiento de Cloud Storage y elegir una de ellas: Cloud Storage, Cloud SQL, Cloud Bigtable y Firestore. Interactuar con los servicios de Google Cloud.

A quién va dirigido

Personas que planean implementar aplicaciones y crear entornos de aplicaciones en Google Cloud. Operadores de sistemas profesionales, arquitectos de soluciones que comienzan a utilizar Google Cloud y desarrolladores. Ejecutivos y encargados de tomar decisiones empresariales que evalúan el potencial de Google Cloud para satisfacer sus necesidades comerciales.


No existen requisitos previos para tomar este curso. Es recomendable estar familiarizado con el desarrollo de aplicaciones, operaciones de sistemas y sistemas operativos Linux. """

Temario completo de este curso

Módulo 1: Introducing Google Cloud Identify the advantages of Google Cloud. Define the components of Google's network infrastructure, including: Points of presence, data centers, regions, and zones. Classify the difference between Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) and Platformas-a-Service (PaaS). Módulo 2: Resources and Access in the Cloud Identify the purpose of projects on Google Cloud. Define the purpose of and use cases for Identity and Access Management. List the methods of interacting with Google Cloud. Módulo 3: Virtual Machines and Networks in the Cloud Identify the purpose of and use cases for Google Compute Engine. Define the basics of networking in Google Cloud. Módulo 4: Storage in the Cloud Classify the purpose of and use cases for Cloud Storage, and database option available in Google Cloud. Distinguish between Google Cloud's storage options. Módulo 5: Containers in the Cloud Define the concept of a container and identify uses for containers. Identify the purpose of and use cases for Google Kubernetes Engine and Kubernetes. Módulo 6: Applications in the Cloud Identify the purpose of and use cases for Google App Engine. Contrast the App Engine Standard environment with the App Engine Flexible environment. Identify the purpose of and use cases for Google Cloud Endpoints. Identify the purpose and use cases for Cloud Run. Módulo 7: Developing and Deploying in the Cloud Describe how Cloud Source Repositories and Cloud Functions can support application development on Google Cloud. Explain how template-based creation and management of resources leverages a template to produce efficient app deployment and management. Módulo 8: Logging and Monitoring in the Cloud Define SLIs, SLOs, and SLAs. Identify the purpose of integrated monitoring, alerting, and debugging. Módulo 9: Course Review and Summary Module 1–8 Review. Additional Learning Paths.
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