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Curso Online INGLÉS B1

Curso Online INGLÉS B1


Curso online

Precio a consultar

Duración : 3 Meses

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• You will be able to understand the main ideas of complex text on both concrete and abstract topics, including technical discussions in your field of specialization. • You will be able to interact with a degree of fluency and spontaneity that makes regular interaction with native speakers quite possible without strain for either party. • You will be able to produce clear, detailed text on a wide range of subjects and explain a viewpoint on a topical issue giving the advantages and disadvantages of various options. Speaking interaction and production The student will be able to: • Speak regularly with native speakers. • Discuss familiar topics in detail. • Give your opinions and explain advantages and disadvantages. Listening The student will be able to: • Understand long speech and lectures and follow complex arguments if the topic is reasonably familiar. • Understand most TV news and current affairs programmes. • Understand the majority of films in common accents. Reading The student will be able to: • Read articles and reports about common topics • Understand modern novels. Writing The student will be able to: • Write clearly and in detail about a wide range of subjects. • Write an essay or report. • Write letters about events and personal experiences.

A quién va dirigido

Docentes de centros públicos, privados y concertados.

Temario completo de este curso

Unit 1: A Hard Day’s Night

Unit 2: Storytelling

Unit 3: Dressed for Success

Unit 4: Changes

Unit 5: This is planet Earth

Unit 6: London Calling

Unit 7: Brown Sugar

Unit 8: Love at First Sight

Unit 9: That’s entertainment

Unit 10: Drive my car

El curso online de inglés B1 permitirá al alumno alcanzar el nivel intermedio reconocido por el Marco Común Europeo, afianzando así, los conocimientos adquiridos en el nivel básico. El objetivo es que el alumno adquiera las competencias necesarias para desenvolverse en un amplio rango de contextos, expresar sus opiniones y puntos de vista principales de una manera satisfactoria y desarrollar la capacidad de manejarse en inglés en situaciones diarias tales como hablar de la rutina diaria o acudir al médico. El alumno se enfrentará a situaciones cotidianas que se le pueden plantear cuando viajamos al extranjero, y podrá desarrollar sus habilidades para hablar el público sobre temas de interés personal.

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