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Risk Management in Development Projects

Risk Management in Development Projects

Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo

Curso online


Duración : 5 Semanas

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- Identify risks in scenarios of uncertainty - Determine who can help you - Understand how to manage risks in settings with limited resources - Develop risk response strategies - Monitor and update risks throughout the life of the project

A quién va dirigido

- Project managers or supervisors - Project team members - Funders and financiers - Public officials from national, subnational, and municipal entities - Professionals from different fields who help develop and execute projects - Professionals Interested in risk management in development projects

Temario completo de este curso

  1. Identify the main stages involved in preparing a risk management plan for development projects following the IDB’s methodology, which is based on PMI’s international standards, to successfully achieve expected results and impacts.
  2. Recognize the process of identifying risks that may affect the project and documenting their characteristics to facilitate risk analysis and subsequent management.
  3. Recognize the main elements of the risk analysis process and evaluating and combining risks’ probability of occurrence and impact to prioritize them.
  4. Recognize risk management strategies that allow for managing opportunities and threats that could impact the project’s objectives.
  5. Recognize the main elements of the risk monitoring process and continuously optimizing responses to improve efficiency when managing the project life cycle.
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