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Cursos de visual en Roma

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Accademia di Costume e di Moda
Accademia di Costume e di Moda | Curso en Roma (Italia)
Objetivos: Il corso è stato ideato per tutti coloro che vogliono acquisire competenze di base nel settore del Visual Merchandising.Requisitos: Il corso si rivolge a studenti o diplomati e/o laureati o professionisti.È richiesta una buona dose di creatività...

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Accademia di Costume e di Moda
Accademia di Costume e di Moda | Curso en Roma (Italia)
It is a well-established fact that fashion accessories support most of the luxury fashion garment industry. TheAccademia, over the past several years, has been able to place many graduates in Italian luxury accessorydesign companies.From the first year...

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Accademia di Costume e di Moda
Accademia di Costume e di Moda | Máster en Roma (Italia)
This full time Master’s Course in Alta Moda, Fashion Design is designed for graduates who want to completeand/or deepen their skills, cultural and professional training in this high-end unique sector of the fashion industry,from research, experimentation...

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