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Master's Degree in Specialized Economic Analysis: Economics of Public Policy Program

Master's Degree in Specialized Economic Analysis: Economics of Public Policy Program

UPF - Barcelona GSE - UAB

Máster presencial


4001-5000 €

The Economics of Public Policy Program provides students with the theoretical and empirical fundamentals to answer questions that impact entire populations.

How and why do particular public policies get implemented? How are they designed? How do we know if they work? Why are some policies more successful than others?

National-level finance and planning involves big numbers: pensions, health systems, income support, social programs, and so forth. Successful public policies can make all the difference for the lives of millions of individuals, with numbers and effects become much larger for developed countries and faster growing in developing ones.

Students will be drilled in commanding advanced empirical public policy evaluation tools, and will be ready to use these tools in practice.

Students will be exposed to the views of experts from fields other than Economics in order to build an appreciation for the multidisciplinary nature of public policy design and evaluation. A master's advisor will guide each student in completing an independent master's project by the end of the program, allowing specialization in a policy topic of the student's choice.

Our graduates will be prepared to take on analytical positions at public institutions, international organizations, consulting firms, research institutions, and think tanks.

Graduates will also be well-prepared to pursue advanced post-graduate study of Policy or Economics.

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Fecha inicio

Octubre 2020

Temario completo de este curso

Course Title Credits Professor(s)
Microeconomics (Markets, Strategies and Information) 6

Pau Olivella
Ramon Caminal

Public Economics I: Market Failures, Taxation and Social Insurance 3

Joan de Martí

Macroeconomics: Public Finance 3 Raül Santaeulàlia-Llopis
Quantitative and Statistical Methods I 6 Javier Gómez Biscarri
Electives (choose one of the following courses):
Public Policy: Health and Education 3 Caterina Calsamiglia
Foundations of Data Science 3 Omiros Papaspiliopoulos
Course Title Credits Professor(s)
Labor Markets 3 Lídia Farré
Public Economics II: Incentives and Equity 3 Jordi Massó
Xavi Ramos
Cost-Benefit Analysis 3 Pere Riera
Quantitative and Statistical Methods II 6 Joan Llull
Political Economy 3 Ursula Mello
Hannes Mueller
Course Title Credits Professor(s)
Master Project 6 Ada Ferrer-i-Carbonell
Topics in Applied Econometrics for Public Policy 6 Jaume García-Villar
Social Economics 3 Giacomo de Giorgi
Ada Ferrer-i-Carbonell
Policy LessonsPolicy Lessons are shared by all programs in the Master's in Specialized Economic Analysis. Students must choose two Policy Lessons among those organized by any of the programs (Competition, EPP, ITFD, and Macro) 3 Albert Bravo-Biosca
Juan F. Jimeno
Population Economics 3 Alícia Adserà
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