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Master's Degree in User Experience and Interface Design (UX/UI Design)

Master's Degree in User Experience and Interface Design (UX/UI Design)

ESDi Escuela Superior de Diseño

Máster presencial

Sabadell (Barcelona)


Duración : 1 Año

Get involved in the Master’s Degree in User Experience and Interface Design (UX/UI) in its new innovative format.

Start learning the Design Thinking methodology so you can carry out your first digital project. Afterwards, improve the product you have created and, at the same time, be able to do internships at influential companies in the UX/UI sector.

In an information society noted for the active participation of the user, the profiles of designers specialized in UX & UI are increasingly necessary to connect the objectives of business to the user's needs.

The Master in UX/UI Design includes methodologies currently used for the design and development of digital products and services, from the application of research techniques to understand user needs, to the design and testing of innovative products with end users.

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Fecha inicio

Abril 2023


1. Training designers that are able to understand, on the one hand, the objectives of a company that offers information services for interactive devices, and, on the other, the characteristics and needs of its users. In this way, the designer can propose a fluid interaction between the person and the information system, generating positive experiences with people. 2. Training specialized professionals that have a wide range of aptitudes linked to design and digital development, applicable in various platforms, devices, tools, apps, interfaces, and multimedia content, as well as the knowledge of concepts such as e-services, agile methodologies, usability, human-computer interaction research, and interaction. 3. Teaching the methodologies and techniques needed for the development of complex projects with professional solutions, potentiating interhuman relations and teamwork.

A quién va dirigido

Everyone is interested in the topics covered, but most of the students who have gone through the master's course had experience or training in marketing, strategy, product design, technology, graphic design, audiovisual design, product design, audiovisual communication, computing, multimedia productions, communication sciences, design management and other disciplines alike.

Temario completo de este curso

Module 1

Design Thinking.
Créditos: 8 ECTS.
Credits: 4 ECTS.
Introduction to Strategy.
Credits: 1 ECTS.
UX Research techniques.
Credits: 1 ECTS.
Credits: 3 ECTS.
UI Design.
Credits: 4 ECTS.
Development technology.
Credits: 1 ECTS.
-UX Writting
-Lean UX
-LEGO Serious Play
Créditos: 1 ECTS.
-Talks from professionals in UI/UX.
Credits: 1 ECTS.
Final Project.
Créditos: 6 ECTS.

Module 2

Credits: 6 ECTS.
Credits: 1 ECTS.
UX Writing.
Credits: 1 ECTS.
Introduction to Lean Startup.
Credits: 1 ECTS.
UI Design II
Credits: 4 ECTS.
Data analytics.
Credits: 4 ECTS.
User Testing.
Credits: 4 ECTS.
-Design Ops
-Voice User Experience
-Project communication
-Career opportunities
Credits: 2 ECTS.
-Talks from professionals in UI/UX.
Credits: 1 ECTS.
Final project.
Credits: 6 ECTS.

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