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Máster online en marketing, Comercialización turística y revenue, Management hotelero

Máster online en marketing, Comercialización turística y revenue, Management hotelero

Ostelea Tourism Management School

Máster online


Duración : 10 Meses

¿Quieres hablar con un asesor sobre este curso?


They are necessary to advance in the different labor levels. The managerial skills will allow the student to face decisive moments in his career. In managerial positions it is necessary to know how to manage: people, teams, emotions, conflicts, negotiations.From the personal point of view, students must learn to create their own personal brand, manage their own network of contacts, write a good curriculum and respond appropriately to job interviews, among others.


Curriculum vitar Motivation letter Two letters of recommendation 3 years´professional experience

Temario completo de este curso

Plan formativo:

The Master in tourism marketing and revenue management Online of Ostelea is classified into 5 modules:

  • Market Structure, International Hotel Marketing and Strategic Management.
  • Finance of the Hotel Sector, Finance for Marketing and Commercial.
  • Tourist Marketing, Offline and Online.
  • Ecommerce and Online Distribution. Revenue Manament and Hotel Pricing.
  • Master's Thesis.
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