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Cursos de turismo en Barcelona

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CETT-UB | Curso en Barcelona
The Tourism industry is developing rapidly. Its impact on the economy and the development of cities and territories is undeniable. Furthermore, tourist demand is evolving and consumer habits are changing continuously. In this context, cities, regions...

CETT-UB | Curso en Barcelona
The industry of events has notably changed in recent years. Not only through the diversification of types of events but also because of their growing complexity, global scale and their impact on overall marketing strategies. In this context, companies...

2001-3000 €
CETT-UB | Curso en Barcelona
The Tourism industry is developing rapidly. Its impact on the economy and the development of cities and territories is undeniable. Furthermore, tourist demand is evolving and consumer habits are changing continuously. In this context, cities, regions...

CETT-UB | Curso en Barcelona
The increasing appearance of customized products and services forces companies to wonder how well they adapt to the needs of the different market segments. In a changing and more competitive environment, the study of consumers and in particular of their...

CETT-UB | Curso en Barcelona
What are the key factors to guarantee the survival of a company in the current competitive market? The marketing paradigm is constantly changing towards the personalization of the service or a product which turns into a unique experience for the customer...

CETT-UB | Curso en Barcelona
Heritage is often defined as our roots, our collective memory. Heritage gives shape to the distinctive character of a country, nation, ethnic group and, finally, an individual. The process of globalization coupled with a strong consumer culture brings...

CETT-UB | Curso en Barcelona
Nowadays, to have a successful management of museums, natural parks, heritage monuments and other tourism sites we must learn and analyze the necessities of the visitors before, during and after the visit. This program will provide an essential insight...

EU Business School
EU Business School | Curso en Barcelona y 2 sedes más
Objetivos: In addition to industry-specific modules, the program focuses on development strategies and management styles specifically geared toward creating leaders in the industry who can also apply the same skills to the wider commercial market. Requisitos:...

más de 9000€
CURSOLINE | Curso en Barcelona y 13 sedes más
Objetivos: Entre los principales objetivos que se pretenden conseguir con el programa de Dirección y Gestión de Hoteles, están: Proporcionar a los participantes una Formación Hotelera sólida, un conocimiento profundo de las diferentes áreas funcionales...

CURSOLINE | Curso en Barcelona y 7 sedes más
Requisitos: Este curso está destinado a personas con o sin experiencia en el sector de la dirección y gestión, que deseen profesionalizarse y ser más competitivas. Dirigido a asesores, empresarios, administrativos, licenciados en derecho, empresariales...

CURSOLINE | Curso en Barcelona y 7 sedes más
Requisitos: Para poder realizar este curso no es necesario tener experiencia o conocimientos en el sector de la restauración, de hecho los temas que se tratarán, se han desarrollado sin suponer ningún conocimiento previo de las materias objeto de estudio...

CURSOLINE | Curso en Sabadell (Barcelona) y 13 sedes más
Objetivos: Entre los conocimientos que se desarrollan a lo largo del curso, y que son considerados como los objetivos primordiales para la formación de los trabajadores y personas que deseen continuar en este campo de estudio, están: Desarrollar las...
