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Certificación Programador Java I 1Z0-819

Certificación Programador Java I 1Z0-819


Curso online


Duración : 5 Días

Con este Bootcamp obtienes un curso intensivo y simuladores muy similares al examen real de certificación donde serás preparado para ser acreditado como desarrollador java 1Z0-819, es el primer paso para obtener la certificación oficial de Oracle, necesitas tomar 2 capacitaciones para poder presentar el examen 1Z0-819 con éxito.

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Obtienes la preparación para la certificación OCAJP Obtienes acceso a más de 400 preguntas similares al examen oficial de certificación

A quién va dirigido

A estudiantes y desarrolladores en el campo de T.I. o personas interesadas en el campo de la programación, ya que contamos con cursos desde nivel básico.


Experiencia de 1 año programando con Java o haber cursado nuestro Diplomado Java Empresarial. Fundamentos de programación orientada a objetos

Temario completo de este curso

1. Understanding Java Technology and environment
1.1 Describe Java Technology and the Java development 1.2 Identify key features of the Java language
2. Creating a Simple Java Program
2.1 Create an executable Java program with a main class
2.2 Compile and run a Java program from the command line
2.3 Create and import packages
3. Working With Java Primitive Data Types and String APIs
3.1 Declare and initialize variables (including casting and promoting primitive data types)
3.2 Identify the scope of variables
3.3 Use local variable type inference
3.4 Create and manipulate Strings
3.5 Manipulate data using the StringBuilder class and its methods
4. Using Operators and Decision Constructs
4.1 Use Java operators including the use of parentheses to override operator precedence
4.2 Use Java control statements including if, if/else, switch
4.3 Create and use do/while, while, for and for each loops, including nested loops, use break and continue statements
5. Working with Java Arrays
5.1 Declare, instantiate, initialize and use a onedimensional array
5.2 Declare, instantiate, initialize and use a twodimensional array
6. Describing and Using Objects and Classes
6.1 Declare and instantiate Java objects, and explain objects' lifecycles (including creation, dereferencing by reassignment, and garbage collection)
6.2 Define the structure of a Java class
6.3 Read or write to object fields
7. Creating and Using Methods
7.1 Create methods and constructors with arguments and return values
7.2 Create and invoke overloaded methods
7.3 Apply the static keyword to methods and fields
8. Applying Encapsulation
8.1 Apply access modifiers
8.2 Apply encapsulation principles to a class
9. Reusing Implementations Through Inheritance
9.1 Create and use subclasses and superclasses
9.2 Create and extend abstract classes
9.3 Enable polymorphism by overriding methods
9.4 Utilize polymorphism to cast and call methods, differentiating object type versus reference type
9.5 Distinguish overloading, overriding, and hiding
10. Programming Abstractly Through Interfaces
10.1 Create and implement interfaces
10.2 Distinguish class inheritance from interface inheritance including abstract classes
10.3 Declare and use List and ArrayList instances
10.4 Understanding Lambda Expressions
11. Handling Exceptions
11.1 Describe the advantages of Exception handling and differentiate among checked, unchecked exceptions, and Errors
11.2 Create try-catch blocks and determine how exceptions alter program flow 11.3 Create and invoke a method that throws an exception
12. Understanding Modules
12.1 Describe the Modular JDK
12.2 Declare modules and enable access between modules
12.3 Describe how a modular project is compiled and run
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