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Cursos gratis de policia

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Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo
Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo | Curso online
Objetivos: You will learn: - The latest proven policies in education - An applied understanding of which policies promote learning - Evidence-based reform - Successful cases from Latin America and the Caribbean and the rest of the world. A quién va...

Campusrpas | Curso online
La creación de una nueva Unidad Especializada de UAS/Drones dentro de las FCS, requiere un control documental, operativo y de formación especializada de Pilotos, muy específico. Las FCS se deben de ceñir de una manera muy rigurosa a los estándares de...

Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo
Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo | Curso online
Objetivos: - Identify the importance of agricultural policies and their influence on the economy. - Use the Producer Support Estimate (PSE) methodology and the AGRIMONITOR platform. - Compare trade policies and competitiveness strategies using AGRIMONITOR...

Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo
Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo | Curso online
Objetivos: You will learn: - Why trade agreements in Latin America and the Caribbean matter - What are the key issues in these bilateral and regional agreements - What new issues are arising - What are the emerging dynamics and complementary policies...

Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo
Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo | Curso online
Objetivos: In particular, the course provides applied knowledge and technical tools for the design, implementation, and evaluation of programs aimed at strengthening the different links that make up the criminal justice system: prevention of crime and...
