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Postgrados de derecho y empresa

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Universitat Abat Oliba CEU
Universitat Abat Oliba CEU | Postgrado en Barcelona
Programa certificado codirigido parcialmente por Deloitte Legal y Blockchain Intelligence, con un claro enfoque práctico y profesionalizador, que permite la introducción y a la vez, adquisición de las habilidades necesarias para consolidar la experiencia...

UNIR, la Universidad en Internet
UNIR, la Universidad en Internet | Postgrado online
Objetivos: Con nuestro Curso online de Experto Universitario en Compliance, te convertirás en un experto gestor del cumplimiento normativo dentro de la empresa por parte de todos sus actores, todo ello encaminado a evitar los graves riesgos y consecuencias...

Precio a consultar
ENSAL | Postgrado online
El curso está impartido por los mejores profesionales en Compliance a nivel mundial, entre ellos el prestigioso profesor y abogado, autor del primer manual en España de responsabilidad penal empresarial, don Antonio Jiménez Rodríguez.Objetivos: Capacitar...

ICA International Compliance Association
ICA International Compliance Association | Postgrado online
With an increased focus on managing business conduct by regulators in many jurisdictions, financial firms are closely scrutinising what conduct risk means in practice to them. As a result, firms need to understand how business conduct impacts on their...

ICA International Compliance Association
ICA International Compliance Association | Postgrado online
Sanctions are a key tool in the armoury of the global fight against financial crime. Understanding sanctions remains a complex yet fascinating topic and is crucial for the development of a well-rounded strategy in combatting financial crime. The ICA Advanced...

ICA International Compliance Association
ICA International Compliance Association | Postgrado semipresencial
Financial crime is a key threat for industry and regulatory authorities alike. Having knowledgeable, fully trained staff who understand the risks and how they can be managed is essential. The ICA Diplomas in Financial Crime Prevention increase awareness...
