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Cursos de iese business school

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IESE Business School
IESE Business School | Curso en Barcelona
When a business strategy fails, shortcomings are often exposed, not necessarily in the strategy itself but in its execution. The ability to make your strategy work is critical for business leaders and it is the overriding factor in determining a company’s...

IESE Business School
IESE Business School | Curso online
When a business strategy fails, shortcomings are often exposed, not necessarily in the strategy itself but in its execution. The ability to make your strategy work is critical for business leaders and it is the overriding factor in determining a company’s...

IESE Business School
IESE Business School | Curso online
Advances in the digital space – be they social, mobile, or otherwise – are breaking down barriers to market entry, turning established business models on their heads, and offering new ways to engage with customers and employees. To identify and effectively...

IESE Business School
IESE Business School | Curso online
Increasing employee engagement, driving innovation and change, and stimulating top-level performance involves taking a positive new approach to leadership that builds on strengths. Run jointly by IESE Business School and Michigan’s Ross School of Business...

IESE Business School
IESE Business School | Curso online
Las organizaciones que cuentan con ejecutivas formadas en alta dirección consiguen mejorar su competitividad y promover competencias que contribuyen a humanizar su organización y a mejorar el compromiso de los equipos. A través de una metodología que...

IESE Business School
IESE Business School | Curso online
The success of a company and its ability to maintain its competitive edge depend fundamentally on the talent of its people. Discover how to improve your leadership skills – identifying your strengths and weaknesses – and empower the individuals and teams...

IESE Business School
IESE Business School | Curso online
El trabajo en las organizaciones se estructura cada vez más en torno a equipos, pero dirigir uno exige una práctica guiada. El éxito en la función directiva requiere entender qué es un equipo de alto rendimiento, cómo debe formarse y cómo liderarlo para...

IESE Business School
IESE Business School | Curso en Madrid
La comunicación es crucial para dirigir, coordinar y colaborar con éxito en una empresa, así como para establecer relaciones comerciales fructíferas. Es la clave de nuestra efectividad como directivos. Descubre cómo utilizar herramientas y técnicas de...

IESE Business School
IESE Business School | Curso en Madrid
The success of a company and its ability to maintain its competitive edge depend fundamentally on the talent of its people. Discover how to improve your leadership skills – identifying your strengths and weaknesses – and empower the individuals and teams...

IESE Business School
IESE Business School | Curso en Madrid
Hubo un tiempo en que la posición de consejero-administrador fue vista como una distinción o incluso un premio. En el IESE la vemos como una responsabilidad a desarrollar por profesionales preparados para ello. Además, las recientes modificaciones legislativas...

IESE Business School
IESE Business School | Curso en Barcelona
Increasing employee engagement, driving innovation and change, and stimulating top-level performance involves taking a positive new approach to leadership that builds on strengths. Run jointly by IESE Business School and Michigan’s Ross School of Business...

IESE Business School
IESE Business School | Curso en Barcelona
Meet the Future of Your Business In an environment shaped by rapid technology and process change, remaining competitive requires informed, innovative and future-focused leaders. So how do you streamline today while preparing your business for transition...

IESE Business School
IESE Business School | Curso en Barcelona
Increasing employee engagement, driving innovation and change, and stimulating top-level performance involves taking a positive new approach to leadership that builds on strengths. Run jointly by IESE Business School and Michigan’s Ross School of Business...

IESE Business School
IESE Business School | Curso online
Meet the Future of Your Business In an environment shaped by rapid technology and process change, remaining competitive requires informed, innovative and future-focused leaders. So how do you streamline today while preparing your business for transition...

IESE Business School
IESE Business School | Curso online
Elevate the performance of your sales team through an up-close examination of core elements of the sales process. Bolster your ability to develop solid sales plans and acquire new frameworks to help your team reach its fullest potential.Objetivos: Increase...

IESE Business School
IESE Business School | Curso en Madrid
La transformación digital es un tema candente y en la agenda de todo comité de dirección. Esta nueva realidad afecta al modo de relacionarse con los clientes, la forma de trabajar de los equipos, la comunicación y, en definitiva, a la propuesta de valor...

IESE Business School
IESE Business School | Curso en Barcelona
Innovar es mucho más que crear productos o servicios que nos diferencien. Se trata de impregnar de una cultura innovadora, a todos los niveles de la organización, de modo que se puedan detectar y crear oportunidades para avanzar en competitividad y en...

IESE Business School
IESE Business School | Curso online
From good to great negotiations Today’s executives face with a wide range of challenges: from multicultural negotiations, ethical dilemmas to negotiating in a deal-making situation. As a senior leader your personal and professional effectiveness rests...

IESE Business School
IESE Business School | Curso online
Tus clientes ya son digitales, ¿y tu estrategia de marketing? La tecnología digital ha cambiado el proceso de atracción y compra de los consumidores. Descubre las nuevas herramientas de captación de clientes y de generación de marca para que puedas desarrollar...

IESE Business School
IESE Business School | Curso online
Objetivos: Dominar los conceptos contables y financieros que permiten comprender el impacto de las decisiones comerciales, productivas y organizativas en la empresa. - Conocer las herramientas para diagnosticar la situación financiera de la empresa...
