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Cursos de cett ub en España

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CETT-UB | Curso en Barcelona
Heritage is often defined as our roots, our collective memory. Heritage gives shape to the distinctive character of a country, nation, ethnic group and, finally, an individual. The process of globalization coupled with a strong consumer culture brings...

CETT-UB | Curso en Barcelona
Heritage is often defined as our roots, our collective memory. Heritage gives shape to the distinctive character of a country, nation, ethnic group and, finally, an individual. The process of globalization coupled with a strong consumer culture brings...

CETT-UB | Curso en Barcelona
Nowadays, to have a successful management of museums, natural parks, heritage monuments and other tourism sites we must learn and analyze the necessities of the visitors before, during and after the visit. This program will provide an essential insight...

CETT-UB | Curso en Barcelona
What are the key factors to guarantee the survival of a company in the current competitive market? The marketing paradigm is constantly changing towards the personalization of the service or a product which turns into a unique experience for the customer...

CETT-UB | Curso en Barcelona
The program gives an unusual insight into the Mediterranean gastronomy industry and cooking and explores its potential for regional, national and international tourism development as well as most popular business models of the sector. The program is...

CETT-UB | Curso en Barcelona
A quién va dirigido: Dirigido tanto a nuevos titulados como a profesionales del servicio de sala en restauración que quieran complementar su formación en vistas a una futura especialización profesional o a mejorar sus expectativas y currículum profesional...

CETT-UB | Curso en Barcelona
Objetivos: El curso pretende: Conocer las diferencias entre las diferentes variedades de uva. Identificar los factores de calidad de un viñedo. Conocer el ciclo anual de la producción de la uva. Reconocer las enfermedades del viñedo y su posible tratamiento...
